is one of the best growing all Matrimonial site in M.P. is all cast Matrimonial portal that caters to a comprehensive range of matchmaking services. Strongly committed to your right to privacy, we have drawn out a privacy statement with regard to the information you share with us.
Our service give to you inform we gather from members and visitors who apply for the various services our site offers include, but may not be limited to, name, address, contact, numbers, email, age, gender, personal characteristics, caste information, etc. , a user-specified password and telephone number. All Community Matrimony does not sell, rent, or loan any identifiable information at the individual level regarding its customers to any third party. Any information you give us is held with the utmost care and security. We are also bound to cooperate fully should a situation arise where we are required by law or legal process to provide information about a customer.
The fee will not be refunded under any circumstances once member fee is paid.
We cancel the membership registered in our portal in the event that we are unable to provide our services to you.
We do not let you register or cancel your subscription if we are providing you a service but you do not want to avail of it
You take our services only after carefully examining our organization and thinking through your own mind.
So after understanding all these circumstances, when you take membership, only our organization has the right to cancel it.